St. Pete Little League
We offer Baseball Divisions in TeeBall, Coach Pitch, Player Pitch, Majors, 50/70 Intermediate, Juniors, Seniors, and Challenger.
St Pete Little League is a Volunteer (not-for-profit) organization that pours into the youth of today. Developing character, sportsmanship, friendships, and athletes who love the game of baseball and being competitive. It takes All of us helping in where we can to make a volunteer organization run smoothly.
St Pete /Azalea Little League has been a part of the local community for approximately 40 years and we want to make sure it grows and continues to be here for future generations to enjoy.
There are many ways for you to get involved and make this the best little league experience for your child and all the children in the league.
Azalea Elementary School, Azalea Middle School, Pasadena Fundamental School, Madeira Beach Fundamental Elementary School, Madeira Beach Fundamental Middle School, and more are all in the St Pete Little League zoning boundaries!! If you live in the boundary zoning for St Pete Little League OR attend a school within the boundary zoning for St Pete Little League get signed up and come play baseball/softball with us!! If you are unsure which Little League you should play for be sure to check our boundaries map on the
Important Forms page.